The Super Simple Service I Sell To Make An Extra $250-300 Per Client Per Month Just "Working" 1 Hour A Day
I'm going to show you a the easiest service to sell that Local Business Owners love. Just show it to your existing clients. Or I can show you how to find mall business owners that will love this service. Get the work outsourced and collect a check. It's soooooo easy, that any noob can do it.
- Get paid Super Fast
- No website or email list needed
- No product creation
- No paid ads
- No software to buy to get started
- Just copy and paste what I do
- Newbies welcome, no special skilled needed
- Just follow along and get paid
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YOUR FIRST UPSELL Is So Simple We Get Results In Just 3 Simple Steps...
Step 1
Find businesses that need this service. Takes just 20-30 minutes to find a ton of them. Better yet, present this as an upsell to existing clients.

Step 2
Contact them with the the Done For You email that we give you inside the members area...
Step 3
Get the work done. We show you where to go, no special skills needed.

Step 4
Collect Your Payment
FINALLY - A Brand New, Bullet-Proof Way We Pull In Payments Every Month And It Works Even For Newbies!
That Does NOT Require...
- No Huge Marketing Budget To Make This Work (Get Started For FREE)
- No Email List or Website Required Ever
- No Product Creation, Review Videos, FB Posts, Or Any Content Creation
- No Technical Or Sales Skills Required At All – Ever!
- Start earning in only 30 Minutes Per Day!

Dear Struggling Internet Marketer,
By now you must be sick of looking for ways to make money online right?
Are you tired of all the lies and crappy products that only fill up the product creators pockets and leave you confused?…
The guys with the rented cars, fake houses, and Instagram models filling up their pools?
Are frustrated with the fact no matter what you try nothing works and you feel as if you’ll never escape your day job?
You ready to say goodbye to that forever – TODAY???
If so, continue reading this page because I’m going to share with you exactly how I put together a system where ANYONE (yes, even you) can start having Big Days online, starting as soon as TOMORROW, without any prior experience at all.
Yes, even if you’ve ‘failed’ at everything in the past!

After 8 Years of Doing this exact same technique in this exact same niche I’m ready to reveal my secre
A Newbie Friendly Way To Start Earning Without Product Creation, Paid Traffic, A Website Or Even Having An Existing List Of Prospects!
Even if you’ve failed in the past or have ‘tried everything’ and haven’t gotten it to ‘work for you.’
I have to admit, I got a little excited thinking about sharing this…
And I don’t get excited about much…
But this is THE easiest way to get recurring revenue and get it fast! Al by selling the easiest service ever that local businesses are happy to pay
you $250-300 a month. Month in and months out.
What I Learned Was This: There Is a Completely Under Used Service that Local Biz Owners Absolutely Love. And They’re Happy To Pay YOU
Every Month!
The clincher was the service. This is super easy to set up and it makes the small local owner look bigger and more influential than they are. And it keeps then super “top of mind” in the minds of their customers and clients.
This works exceptoinally well for restaurants, lawyers, chiropractors, dentists, etc. My favorite types of clients who like to market and have the budget to spend.
When we talk to them and show them how we can increase their online presence with just a couple of emails..they get excited!
And they are more than happy to pay us $250 – $300 a month to manage all of it.
And I honestly spend about 15 minutes per client getting the “work” set up, if you can even call it work. And maybe 5 minutes a month sending them a report with their stats.
And you can do it, too.
Starting from scratch with absolutely zero experience
You just send an email (that I’m going to give you) to 10 or 20 of these guys and respond to those who are interested, usually 10-20%
Then you send them a payment link
Then you get the work done for cheap by an outsourcer.
And pocket $250-300 per client. Every month!
I just need to show you how.

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Inside YOUR FIRST CLIENT, You'll Get:
Module 1 - Overview
Here is where I give you the 30k foot view of how this will all work

Module 2 - Finding The Perfect Prospects. And Contacting Them
Start with your Own Clients first. But if you don't have any, I'll show you who to target and how to reach them with a simple email that gets their attention. That email is included for Free.
Module 3 - Getting Paid
Herere I'll show the easiest way to collect payments, painlessly

Module 4 - Fulfillment
Here I'll show you the places to go to find people who will take care of fulfilling everything. You don't have to do any work.
Here's What You'll Discover Inside The YOUR FIRST UPSELL Program
- How you can get started TODAY without an email list, product, service or idea
- The simple process to 'stealing' people's info so you can contact them ethically
- How to get paid before you even do any work. And you actually won't be doing the work.
- Why you should forget about "3 Click To Make Money" mindset. If it worked, you'd never buy more than 1
- The simple steps to take this method and scaling it up to a job-destroying online RESULTS in your spare time
- How to run this entire system and get RESULTS without spending more than 60 minutes per day at your computer
- Plus, get access to all sorts of new, insider tricks to making money that you have NEVER seen before
This Is The Ultimate Method for Newbies And (former) "Failures" And No! It Doesn’t Just Work For Us...

This is just this year to date. And from just one of my accounts that we collect payments in, separate from Paypal
Get Started With 'Your First UPSELL' Today And We’ll Give You These Bonuses For FREE…

Bonus: Contract Paperwork
When you make your first sale you'll want to have an official contract to protect you and your client. No need to pay a lawyer to get this done. I already did that and will be giving it to you as a bonus. This cost over $500 to get done by a lawyer.
Bonus: Invoices
You'll also need a professional looking invoice for your client so they can have it for their records and accounting. Once again I have you covered and will send this to you as a bonus

Bonus: 90 Minutes of Training
We'll be having a 90 minute Zoom call next week for me to answer any questions you may have. I'll be there as long as it takes to answer everyone's questions about this amazing new side tool and your new side hustle
You Have No Risk With Our
30 Day Money-Back Guarantee...
If for ANY reason you’re not 100% satisfied, just let us know, and we’ll get you a refund of your investment today. We’re willing to take on ALL of the risk because we know this training and the case study will change your life and make you a lot of money. The only way you can lose is by not getting your hands on this right now.
Get No Risk Access To The Members Area Now
By Clicking The Button Below Right Now…
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Frequently Asked Questions...
What Is This All About?
This is a simple method that ANYONE can use to start seeing results with only 60 minutes of work per day.
Do I Need To Create A Product?
NO! You do not need to create a product or have a current product to use this system.
Do I Need Any Tech Skills?
No technical skills are required at all.
Do I Need Any Sales Skills?
Nope, You just send the email I give you. So the answer to that is NO!
I’ve ‘Failed’ In The Past. Can I Still Do This?
Yes, if you’re willing to forget what you learned from the ‘failures’ who taught you in the past!
How Are You Different From Everyone Else?
I’ve had my own Digital Marketing Agency since 2009 and this is how it’s done. This is how you land your first client and start to make a side income, if not a full time income. I really do this stuff daily!
How Soon Will I See Results?
The truth is that I’ve seen people make money with this model in a few hours and I’ve seen people make nothing at all. Let me ask you this…How long will it take me to drive to New York? To answer that you’d need to know where I’m coming from and how fast I’m willing to drive…right? Same thing applies here. The faster you ‘drive’ our model the faster you’ll see results.
Is There A Guarantee?
Yes! There is a full 30 day money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with the training for any reason, simply submit a support ticket and we’ll process your refund within 24 hours. All of our payments are processed through PayPal so you are 100% protected by them.
How Do I Get Started?
Look right below this line of text. There’s a button. Click it and follow the instructions :
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We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual .