We're Ready To Stuff Your Paypal Accounts With Commissions With...

6 months after launching his first course on Warrior Plus, Tim is back with a follow up. And with Kenny Cannon! Thanks for your support! Over 3000 Sales so far. Not too shabby for a newbie.
After 12 years of owning his local agency, Timothy Black & Kenny will be launching a Video Course showing anyone how they can build authority and gain new clients Simply send an email, start a conversation with a small business owner and start getting paid. Every month.
This is a fresh method we’ve used this past year to help us get new clients and build authority. And get paid month in and month out. Let’s face it, a single sale is a great. But having clients pay you every month, year in and year out is the best best way to make money offline and build a real business.
This is the perfect follow up to YOUR FIRST CLIENT & YOUR FIRST UPSELL and your list is going to love this one just as much.
But it’s just as easy for someone who never saw or bought YOUR FIRST CLIENT too.
In a couple weeks, the way they earn an income will be changed forever. This is a newbie friendly system that will have your customers stuffing their Paypal accounts full of cash almost instantly.
Timothy has had his own Local Marketing Agency since 2009 and is ready to start helping other people work for themselves and make a 6 figure income too, with minimal effort.
He’s been on W+ nearly as long, mostly as a buyer but is now launching successful courses. Now, as a high level student of Kenny Cannon he is ready to start launching courses and products to help your customers all while helping you, the affiliate get paid.
Your Path To $135 Per Customer Sale

Contact Us If You Need Anything
Review Access Information: If you have 50+ sales on JVZoo, Clickbank or Warrior Plus, please contact us for a review.
Important Contest Details: The official leader-board and overall contest ranking is based on revenue from the entire sales funnel during the contest period (Tuesday Dec 7 – Tues Dec 14). For cash prize payouts, there is no minimum sales number requirement, but you must have made commissions equal to or greater than the value of the prize (whole funnel). If this criteria is not met, winners will receive a prorated amount.
All prizes are paid via PayPal within 48 hours of the contest ending.
Affiliate Teams: Teams with up to 2 affiliates are allowed for the main content but you need to let us know about the team before the contest begins.